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Old Addventure files

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:20 pm
by Dark King
Is there any chance of transferring the old files over to this new site? Somebody has them archived here:

Re: Old Addventure files

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:04 pm
by Stephen
We can either manually copy them one thread at a time, or.... If someone has the database file I can try to convert a few.

Re: Old Addventure files

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 7:42 pm
by Stephen
Kris sent me a copy of the DB that has been floating around, i'll see what I can do.

Re: Old Addventure files

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 6:03 pm
by Stephen
I'm going to try to get them all converted. it's going to require a few updates to the existing database structure that I already have. and it's going to take some time, if there are any threads that you would like me to prioritize I might see about rushing a few of them into existing unless that proves to be too much.

Re: Old Addventure files

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:25 pm
by Stephen
okay that's so not going to work, file sizes and what not, i'm crashing my home server that I develop with, just trying to load all the titles ignoring the episode content. I really don't want to put that kind of load onto my current host at least not this early on.

So i'm going to go back to my previous stand, if you have a thread chain of stories that you want ported over give me link to the site and i'll hunt down the content for those episodes and upload them.

You can find the list of threads here:

Just post the link to the thread you want cloned over to here, it's actually pretty easy for me to identify them.

This isn't even taking into account the need to review each episode for content flagging to make sure graphic content isnt available without jumping through our limited hoops.

At over 40,000 episodes it's more than just a little daunting.