Discussion Rules

We'll expand from here as necessary.
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Discussion Rules

Post by Stephen »

  1. Religion and Politics are not appropriate discussion topics on this forum.

    In this context religion and politics categorically does not include stuff going on in-story within a fanfic, or worldbuilding for a fanfic, with the exception of those few idiots who write in an attempt to ‘prove’ something outside of their fic, including writing as an attempt to canvas for a religion. This rule is here because it’s seemingly impossible to have a discussion on either topic that does not instantly transform itself into a flame war fit to make our worst swearing matches look like crumpets and tea with the vicar. And no, I don’t even care if your two countries are at war or if there’s a civil war where you are, find somewhere else to have at it about it: there are forums for arguing which liar in a suit is best pony and this is not one of them. Right! Left! Right! Left! Commie! Nazi! oh dry up, we're trying to talk about interesting and important things such as Harry Potter fanfic.

    Also note that close-to-the-bone topics such as discussion of 'politically correct' terms in fanfic, while not coming under this prohibition, will be watched like a bloody hawk by Yours Truly as they tend to exist in a constant state of about to go to hell in a handbasket.

  2. Do not block, killfile, or otherwise ignore the posts from moderators or Rorsch, nor be rude in responses to a moderation post. This is considered grounds for an instant ban. Note that anything I post as a moderator will be signed ‘Moderator Stephen’ and have a fancy text color or something.

    Loudly and very rudely disagreeing with, not reading fics written by or entering threads started by, or otherwise not engaging with, moderators you personally dislike in posts where they're not moderating doesn’t count: I am entirely aware that I am not exactly the most pleasant person on the planet and from time to time roundly deserve to be told to fuck off in those exact words, so when I’m not signing things ‘Moderator Stephen’ it’s just fine to treat me like any other clown.

    I note that, as a poster found out a couple of months back, I consider the entirety of any thread actually discussing group moderation policy ‘on duty’ time for obvious reasons and, not to put too fine a point on it, if you decide to start dropping passive-aggressive sarcasm and snotty ignore-the-context responses in the middle of an argument you started that a group rule should not be a group rule, you’re going to find yourself out the door so fast your head’ll spin.

  3. We are not the ego protection detail. If you want an echo chamber, this is not it.

    Here because of the babbling idiot (not a member of this group) who responded to a bit of impromptu typo-busting by giving the person who’d pointed out the typo a roasting for, quote, ‘non-consensual beta’. That attitude is NOT welcome in the Addventure and will be treated with the overt scorn it deserves; this is a writing-centric group, free typo-busting is considered a friendly gesture in these parts though at the same time be conscious of UK/US spelling differences and the fact that multiple regular posters are doing so in British, we (as in people here who write) are interested in learning, and isolation from criticism is an excellent way to not learn. Rule exists because of an idiot who came on here whining about how we were saying nasty things about a naff fanfic and ‘shouldn’t the moderators do something about it’. No we bloody well shouldn’t.

  4. Glaring massive bigotry such as overt racism is considered grounds for an instant ban.

    No, not having any interest whatsoever in slash fic does not constitute homophobia no matter how much you may want to claim that it does, and nor does a lack of interest in genderflip represent transphobia. Disinterest does not equal hate-on, learn the difference. Actually, you may not know the difference because you hate anything you’re not interested in: actually given that you’re literate enough to use a Yahell group you obviously aren’t that stupid. Anyway this is, and will most likely remain, a slash-UNFRIENDLY group.

    With the exception of racism etc, foul language, creative insults, telling each other (or me when I’m not moderating: again, look at sig line, if it’s not ‘Moderator Stephen’, I'm not moderating) where to get to, saying in no uncertain terms what you think of someone’s carry-on, etc is restricted only in that if done in response to a moderator who’s moderating you’re gone.

    Generally, try to keep things to a level where if a group of longshoremen were to be having the discussion over drinks in a rowdy dockyard pub, no fists would start flying and the bouncer wouldn't have to get up. And yes, the simile holds for the being rude to moderators who’re moderating bit: if you tell the bouncer to go shove himself up the backside of an elephant with advanced ghonorrea when he HAS got up, you obviously didn’t want to drink in that pub any more now, did you.

    Concerning bans: For rule 1 and 3, I operate on a ‘three strokes you’re out’ basis with something of a cooldown; first infraction gets you a warning, second gets you a warning and me making a ‘watch this guy’ note, third gets you banned on a permanent basis, spend long enough behaving after a first infraction (basically meaning long enough that I’ve forgot you acted the goat) and you’ll go back to ‘awaiting first infraction’ status as I’m entirely aware that anyone and everyone gets a bit heated once in a while. Rules 2 and 4 being broken is, as stated in said rules, grounds for an instant ban, we don’t need that sort of fuckery in here.

    Sub Rules that apply to the Addventure
  5. Don't be evil.
  6. Adult content restrictions, while our host is wonderful and doesn't much care about most content posted...
    We're still hosted in the U.S. and subject to rules about age limits and whatnot. So, for the Story adventure chains here's my overriding rule,
    1. If the character is considered underage under normal conditions. (The source material only ever shows them at a young age.) Then, you should make an effort to point out that they are of age in the chapter; hell, reference an 18th birthday or something.
    2. If there's a possibility that a hypothetical character is of age because the source material allows for them to have grown up, do not under any circumstances indicate that they could possibly be underage.
  7. Explicit content must be flagged as explicit, I can't do much about filtering such things on the forum itself... yet. But I can do something about the story chains, and it's been done, mostly, so use the explicit checkbox when posting if your episode is going to have characters getting physically intimate in detail, and I don't mean fighting. Just to be clear, I mean sex.
  8. I went through the trouble of adding the thematic categories for a reason; use them. There exists an edit chapter feature for a reason. If you forget to label your chapter please go back and edit it. If something breaks email me via the board.
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